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Every company believes they have the best company culture. All bosses want to think that they have happy employees. But unless you create spaces for open communication, where there are no repercussions is vital in the workspace.
When you mention the word whistleblowers in the context of business, most people get nervous. It is seen as a bad thing. But suppose you have open channels for staff to communicate about what is bothering them. In that case, you can avoid any major issues down the line.
The South African Legislation
SA has legislation that deals with whistleblowers. They include:
- the Protected Disclosure Act 25 of 2006,
- the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, and
- the Companies Act 71 of 2008.
Each of these creates a framework for whistleblowers. As an HR manager or boss in a business, if you want to create a corrupt-free workplace, consider launching a program of your own.
Often, people are unaware of where their information may land up. We see the results of the whistleblowers that have taken down major corporations or governments. They are either unemployable or in exile. It is not a great place to be.
Creating open lines of communication
Corruption does not always start at the top. Senior managers are seldom the first to hear of any dodgy dealings. When you have an option for staff to send information and details to a third party anonymously, you may get better information about the dealings in your business.
Protect your staff who are willing to talk
There is a culture of shooting the messenger. There needs to be an option to protect them, regardless of the outcome of the investigation. Staff should feel safe enough to come forward with information, in person, via online channels, be part of the investigation or be anonymous.
What do you have in place in your business that offers your staff the opportunity to speak up, ask questions and be part of the solutions without the risk of being fired or demoted?
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