Find the business opportunity
Published October 18, 2021
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For most people living in the cities, life is easy. You have access to just about every store, service, and offer. The people living on the outskirts or rural areas often do not get access to as much. It is based on proximity and cost of doing business in a far-away area.

A 24-year-old entrepreneur did not think like a traditional business owner when he found the business opportunity for food deliveries in the townships. Godiragetse Mogajane decided that he was the guy to make it happen and launched Delivery Ka Speed.

The risk is worth the reward

It takes a particular kind of person with the grit and determination to see the gap. To take the gap and not listen to the naysayers takes a lot. As a business owner, you can find the solutions, or you can find the problems. Mogajane decided to find the answers, running his orders via WhatsApp, payments made via Yoco machines, eft or cash.

The electric scooters save on fuel, and the customer is happy with a fantastic service that they would never have had exposure to otherwise.

Many businesses look to see where they can make the most profit instead of finding a solution to a problem. It is not so much the old adage of “build it, and they will come” anymore, but more along the lines of seeing what is working, where there is a need, solve for x and make it happen.

Innovation wins the game

The smaller guys are where the innovation is happening. Yoco also launched as a solution to informal traders, small businesses, and flea markets. As consumers carry less cash, it is a safer and easier way to get paid. You have competitive rates, and you buy the machine as a once-off cost. As home businesses and side hustles grew exponentially, you saw an increase in demand and small businesses over the covid periods. The business opportunity was there all along, they just had the guts to go for it.

The innovative companies are who the big guys need to learn from and see how they can improve service, costs, and innovation.

The lesson is not to be scared of an untapped market, and it may just be the break you need to get your business off the ground.

Bizcash is a South African company that wants to grow SME’s in SA to ensure a sustainable future for all.

Please speak to our team to find out more about how we can help your business with expansion plans with alternative funding options. Get in touch with us on 0861 93 93 93 or email us on or contact us here.

Categories: Business / Startup / Technology