Bizcash : New Year, New Business Opportunities The start of the new year is always a time to set some new intentions and goals for your business. We can use this time to assess 2022, what worked, what did not and plan what we can improve on.
Published January 2, 2023
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The start of the new year is always a time to set new intentions and goals for your business.
We can use this time to assess 2022, what worked and did not, and plan what we can improve on.
As an owner of an SME, it is sometimes tough to be able to step away from the business enough to gauge a good perspective.
Using your whole team to offer insights on their work experience can offer insights you may miss as the owner.
We tend to want to hang onto heritage elements of the business that could best be left in the past.
Here are some quick wins to get the most from your 2022 evaluation and set some goals for the new year.

1. Take a step back

The issue with always speaking first is that it sets the general direction. It is our nature to be the leader of the brainstorming or feedback session. If you take a step back and allow junior staff to lead the discussion, you can find some critical insights into the business you may not have on your radar.

2. Assess your systems

Of course, you should be doing this all of the time. Technology is constantly evolving, and the worst thing you can do as a business owner stays where you are. There may be newer options that can offer your business the edge over your competition if you adopt some new opportunities.

3. Take it online

When you assess your processes and systems, see where you can benefit by taking it digital. Get rid of the old servers and go cloud based for your storage, accounting, and reporting. Software and apps make it so much easier to see, at a glance, the health of the business.

4. Develop your team

The risk does exist that your team members may learn everything you have to offer and then leave. But that is better than not training them, and they stay. Staff that feels valued and grow in the company are far more likely to add value and offer loyalty than those who do not.

Bizcash is a South African business that supports and grows SMME’s with alternative funding options. Please speak to our team to find out more about how we can help your business remain in business, through the tough times. Get in touch with us on 0861 93 93 93 or email us on or contact us here.

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Categories: Business