Bizcash SCF in association with independent specialist broker, Edge Risk Partners, brings to you

Trade Credit Insurance.

Why take unnecessary risks when bad debt can be eliminated.

Insuring your debtors payment risk may result in a better interest rate on your Bizcash SCF credit facility.

Trade Credit Insurance is the insurance of your debtors, protecting you against non-payment of your debtors, protecting your cash flow.

Favorable Terms

Increase your credit facilities over more favorable terms, when your debtors are credit insured, funders are likely to reduce your risk profile.

Risk Confidence

Where you would normally avoid higher risk business opportunities you would now have the confidence to explore these new possibilities.

Research & Analysis

Leverage off our in-depth research and analysis of your credit risks, along with our vast market knowledge and claims experience.


Protect your cashflow with Trade Credit Insurance by replacing your cash should your debtors default for various reasons.


Trade Credit Insurance


Frequently Asked Questions

Trade Credit Insurance is the business protection against the non-payment of debts due to insolvency, business rescue or payment default incurred by debtors domestically or internationally.

Through the establishment of a trade credit policy, you can mitigate some of your largest risks, namely your debtors.

With the economic conditions being as challenging as they are, additional insight into debtors’ current trading patterns allows you to manage your client’s credit facilities in a more dynamic manner.

While information is important, information with recourse is invaluable.

Insuring your debtors credit risk may reduce the risk profile associated with your business resulting in a better interest rate on your Bizcash SCF facility!

Yes you can! You can apply during your onboarding application we will then still process your request for Trade Credit Insurance.

You can apply during your registration, should you choose not too you can also apply through your Bizcash SCF profile once your facility has been approved and activated.

  • Protection against non-payment.
  • Expert assessment of credit risks.
  • Development of new markets in different industries.
  • Increased market penetration.
  • Access to our expert advice on collection techniques.
  • Lower legal costs through improved buying power of collection services.

Partnerships with insurers could create opportunity in new markets as they hold or are able to source information on thousands of debtors globally.

Not only does it give you peace of mind in being able to replace your cash flow but can also be used as a form of security when negotiating facilities with financial institutions.

This will be dependent on your business requirements and can only be determined upon full assessment.

Bizcash SCF in association with Edge Risk Partners to bring to you Trade Credit Insurance. Edge Risk Partners is an independent specialist broker focusing specifically on Trade Credit. 

Through in-depth research and analysis of your credit risks, along with their vast market knowledge and claims experience, we can confidently structure a credit policy that not only adds value to your staff and management but also protects your balance sheet.

Any business offering debtors trade on open account is eligible for Trade Credit Insurance. For more information on this please contact us on 0861 79 79 79 alternatively e-mail us on

The answer is yes! Your policy can be kept even after your facility has been paid in full.

There are standard policy terms and conditions that you would need to abide by to have a valid claim.

Edge Risk Partners in association with Bizcash SCF will issue you with a Policy document which will contain all the pertinent information including the Claims Procedure with all the relevant contact details and guidance to process your claim, we will also assist you with policy compliance. For your convenience this information will also be available on your Bizcash SCF profile.

Trade Credit Insurance offers you business protection against the non-payment of debts due to insolvency, business rescue or payment default incurred by debtors domestically or internationally.

Insuring your debtors credit risk may enable you to Increase your credit facilities over more favorable terms, funders are likely to reduce your risk profile.

Important points to note:

  • There are standard policy terms and conditions that you would need to abide by to have a valid claim. 
  • Any business offering debtors trade on open account is eligible for Trade Credit Insurance.
  • Please note that we are not insurers, insurance brokers, or underwriters, but bring you trade credit insurance in association with Edge Risk partners, an independent specialist broker.