6 Strategies to spring clean your small business
Published September 13, 2021
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6 Strategies to spring clean your small business

We all tend to get a bit busy spring cleaning our homes when the blossoms start to bloom. As a small business owner, it helps to do the same at the office.

Here are six strategies you can implement to get yourself ready for the summer business season.

Spring clean your website

Of course, your business website can help you grow by introducing new clients to your offering. A website needs a regular clean-up of your service offerings as well as potential software and platform upgrades.

There is a big chance your products or services have grown or evolved over the last year, so ensure your customers get all the new info they need when visiting your site.

Your website is like a car. It needs regular servicing and upgrades. If your website is a few years old, chances are, you need a refresh of the platform or templates to ensure you have the latest plug-ins available.

Clear up your books and paperwork

Your business books need a regular audit and clean-up. Your financial health status is critical, and you don’t want to wait for tax season to start working on filing and compliance.

Automation and digitisation of your accounting are essential these days—research better and more efficient ways to operate your accounting and bookkeeping. You will be surprised at the benefits of automation. Save time, resources and expensive mistakes.

Re-look your business plan

Your business is constantly changing and developing. It is easy to change paths without re-looking at what the original plan was. With changes in the environment in which you trade happening all the time, you can make amendments to what the original plan was and remind yourself what the ultimate goal is that you want to achieve.

Take a look at what happened in the last year. What went wrong, and what your successes are going to look like moving forward.

Give your marketing strategies a refresh

Marketing sure has changed over the last year, and your take on how to grow your market share should too.

  • Take a look at the new marketing trends that are happening in other countries and markets.
  • Invest in social media and grow your fan bases
  • Automate tasks like reporting, emailers, marketing
  • Analyse last year’s data, successes, and failures

Organise your inbox

It is so easy to let your admin run away from you. It is time to get as paperless as possible and ensure you are filing everything correctly in a cloud system.

Doing a spring clean on your computer by deleting old and unused documents and apps, and save legal documents that you need to keep for clients in a cloud-based system.

Clearing off your computer will also increase the efficiency of your computer, which will help alleviate the frustrations of a slow machine.

De-clutter the office

Not many people have been in the office in the last year, so it is easy to see what is required and what is not.

You can even get in a professional to help you remove unnecessary junk in store-rooms or desk drawers. Opening up windows for fresh air and a new bunch of plants in the office will also give you a better feeling of being refreshed and ready to work again. Bizcash offers alternative finance options to SME’s to help them sustain, grow and trade.

Please speak to our team to find out more about how we can help you. Get in touch with us on 0861 93 93 93 or email us on info@bizcashscf.co.za or contact us here.

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Categories: Business