The rise and rise of the FinTech industry

In South Africa, the high unemployment rate and increase of SMMEs allowed FinTech companies to thrive. For the longest time, the large banks underserve the SMME businesses. It opened up a large population sector for alternative funders to enter the finance market for SMMEs. The emergence of FinTech Financial technology applies technology (like smartphones, websites, […]
Finding the business opportunity that works

For most people living in the cities, life is easy. You have access to just about every store, service, and offer. The people living on the outskirts or rural areas often do not get access to as much. It is based on proximity and cost of doing business in a far-away area. A 24-year-old entrepreneur […]
Hiring a diverse team can change inspire innovation

Diversity in the workplace is not a checkbox exercise. It is not something that the law should force on companies. Instead, correct diverse hires can offer up so much more, given a chance. A diverse team will enable a company to solve problems from a team that thinks differently. The Harvard Business Review reported, companies […]
How to build your company into an Asset of Value

The aim of building a business is to ensure that it grows with you. When you are ready to exit the company, you can sell your business or hand it over to your family. This is never realised for many businesses. Most companies close down with no sale at the end of a good lifespan. […]
Using downtime to plan and prepare for the new year

Everyone needs a break after a long and challenging year, but when you are running your own business, you can benefit from taking a day or two to plan and prepare your business for the next year. Outline your Objectives for 2021 Taking a few hours to think about what you want to achieve in […]
Entrepreneur Burnout is a real thing

For small business owners, regular office hours or a planned holiday is far from the top of mind. The Covid-19 pandemic’s stress has placed many companies under a financial strain, and the pressure is starting to mount. Before you lose your cool at your staff or suffer a road rage incident, consider what the stress […]
Finding various ways to fund your SME

Understanding business finance options can be confusing. There are two main parts to financing small businesses. Equity Financing or Debt Financing There are some common ways you can fund your business: Personal Investment, Angel Investors, Government Assistance, Commercial Bank Loans, Financial Bootstrapping, or Buyouts. Venture Capital and Angel Investors seem to be a romantic solution […]