Five new business resolutions for your small business New year Bizcash
Published January 1, 2022
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The new year is the opportunity for everyone to start the year with a clean slate. Your business is no different.

It is the time of year to relook at your business from a different perspective and decide what can stay, what needs to go, and what you can improve on.

Let’s look at some of the business elements you can offer for your business new year’s resolutions.

Resolution 1: Build on your digital presence and use more online tools

Not every business is the same, but there are easier ways to make money by using digital tools. Ask yourself if you have a fully functioning website to take online payments. If not, why not? Where are the opportunities you can use to sell products or services online? Are you using online booking tools yet? If not, why not? How can you streamline processes in your business in terms of customer contact points?

Does your website have a live chat facility? If not, why not? Using chatbots can ensure your business is open 24 hours a day. Automated responses and AI can drastically improve the impression of your customer care if they can access information and get answers to pressing questions online while you and your staff are sleeping.

Resolution 2: Taking care of your staff while they take care of others

What Covid-19 has highlighted is the volume of people who are caregivers to either children or family members. If your staff are the primary caregiver to someone in their family, you can help. Adopting flexible work schedules, remote working, and teams to cross-check and be safety nets for your staff. By incorporating options into the work schedule, the team can manage their responsibilities at home while still delivering on the work.

Resolution 3: Grow the diversity in your teams

In South Africa, government-mandated policies are not the only reason to diversify your team. We are not only talking about race diversification, but you can strengthen your team with various ages, genders, ethnicity, and religious backgrounds. We have 11 different official languages in SA, and it can work to your advantage to offer more than just English. People like dealing with people who can relate to them. So by having multiple sales members that can understand the customer’s needs, you can strengthen the relationships.

Another example is to add older members of society to your customer service desk. Older people are far more understanding and patient of a customer’s problems. Keep the young ones in the tech space and employ retirees on your service desk. You won’t regret it.

Resolution 4: Prepare for the emergency

We all need that emergency pack to be ready when we need it. Your business may need financial support, emergency staff, or legal advice. It is time to work on that emergency pack with critical contacts, alternative premises, legal aid (Insurance), and off-site (cloud-based) storage and backup of your business.

When we all had to close up shop, the guys were up to date on staff UIF payments, online business models, and the opportunity to have staff work remotely, which did not skip a beat. Ensure your business is ready for the next business disaster.

Resolution 5: Actively support other small businesses

The only way that many businesses can survive is with the support of other companies. Updating the Rolodex with companies, suppliers, and products supporting families, small communities, or the workforce is needed. It is not the size of the company that matters. Instead, the product and delivery can make all the difference.

Smaller suppliers are more flexible, creative, and willing to take the journey with you.

Bizcash helps South African SMEs to manage and grow their business through alternative funding options.

Speak to our team to find out more about how we can support your business with alternative funding options. Get in touch with us on 0861 93 93 93 or email us on or contact us here.

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Categories: Blog / Business / Finance