Bizcash financial management financial year end
Published March 1, 2021
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Now that the stress of Financial Year End should be over, you can take stock of what you can do differently in 2021 to make the financial management of your business better.

If you want your business to grow and to mature into an asset, you need to ensure you have finances and cash available to find that growth.

You need to plan and budget for these financial needs. Your finance manager should be using your business funds in a way that you can reduce your cost of capital and increase your companies value.

It is only with sound financial practices that you can plan for the business’s future growth.

Focus on these three types of financial management in your business

Capital  Budgeting

When you want to expand your business, you need a budget set aside for any acquisitions, maintenance, or fixed assets. They can include equipment, staff, or even land or buildings.

When you actively allocated a budget each month to this, you can choose more options in the future, as you will not be restricted by budget.

Capital Structure

The management of the company’s distribution of debt and equity makes up the finances of the company. It is known as the capital structure. During the pandemic’s peak, many companies that could restructure operations and the capital structure did emerge stronger.

Your financial manager should always be looking into how he can improve the business’s financial management.

Working Capital Management

If effectively use current assets to maintain a sufficient cash flow to cover your short-term needs. Cash flow can be a stressful task in any business. It includes rent, salaries, stock, etc.

You need to effectively manage your accounts payables, accounts receivables, inventory, and cash.

When your business has sound financial management, the benefits are:

  • Your ability to track expenses
  • Quickly analyse your expenses
  • Avoid Debt
  • Payment of your invoices on time
  • Create future wealth
  • Overcome debt
  • Build sound relationships with your debtors and creditors
  • A better company credit score for cheaper loans
  • Increased profits and savings

Sound financial management practices will help you to spend your earnings on the right products and services. You can build a proper investment plan for a better future.

Bizcash is here to help you with your business cash flow issues.

For more information on our Invoice Discounting or Business Loan products, get in touch here.

Follow our social media pages here for tips for small businesses.

Categories: Business / Finance